Book Shelves in My Girl’s Room

Laundry room and lexies shelves

One of my all time favourite time-spending (or sometimes time-wasting) is hanging out in Lexie’s room. Sometimes with her, sometimes without her. I love all the little pieces that come together to make her room special. Some pieces I have been hunting to get (i.e. Tcheburashka), some pieces are quite generic, some are hand-made and some are gifts. Everything that comes in is appreciated and places with care.


They are appreciated and placed with care on this side of the room…


Opposite however is a really boring white wall. Ideally, if you are sitting on the bed, or facing the Toddler kitchen or the Doll’s house, you are not too bothered by it, but it is there – very bluh (I would try to think of a better word to describe the wall, but I got bored…).


It’s a difficult wall to come up with an interesting solution for. Its right above Lexie’s bed, which means putting up standard shelves would lead to a few bumped heads. Wall art would have been another great idea, but not as functional as shelves. My solution would have to be both functional and fun.

When I saw these book shelves for sale in Ikea, I was oh-so-happy. They were perfect! Exactly what I wanted. We bought them Saturday and Sunday they were up! Mind you, a personal first – I drilled the holes in the walls all by myself! I even used a “level” to make sure they were perfectly horizontal! I must say, I impressed myself. Therefore, I admit that this blog is not so much to share a brilliant idea (who doesn’t go to Ikea to buy shelves?), it is definitely a brag post. I did this ALL BY MYSELF! (I sound like my three year old!)


Very proud of the new book shelves!  Books are visually pleasant and are read a lot more when in sight. You are never alone holding a book!

Laundry room and lexies shelves